Sunday, January 15, 2012

Occurence rate of harelip of baby of new life of beautiful California small town draws attention high

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Xinhua net los angeles on January 29 report (the reporter is downy) American California city is mid small town Kaiteerman the child harelipped occurence rate that the city is born is high, environme mountain t shirts ntalist suspects with the environment pollution is concerned. To this, american California bey applies Waxinge 29 days to issue a government order, ask door of Ministry of Public Health launchs investigation instantly.

memory laptop toshibaThe city is locate the most popular plant lights d in Kaiteerman between los angeles and san Francisco, population has 1500 people only. According to environmentalist statistic, came in Sept free plantronic wireless headset ember 2007 during December 2008, in 20 babies that are born in this town, 5 people have harelip. And be in whole California, the average odds that children has harelip is every 1 person is less than in 800 people. City resident suffers from Kaiteerman the risk of asthma and cancer also other area of prep above California.

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A few environmentalist think through investigation, kaiteerman high probability and environmental pollution concern occurence rate of city children harelip. There the most popular plantronic wireless headset is the United States near this town western the rubbish with the largest scale handles a works.

According to Shiwaxinge's directive, california communal Ministry of Public Health and environmental protection bureau will launch investigation together with local government, inves free plant lights tigation content includes to visit a little patient family, right foun the best selling mountain t shirts tainhead, air and soil undertake detecting strictly, decide to rectify and reform measure according to findin the most popular mountain t shirts gs next. Before this, before arrange of American environmental protection already sent an expert, toward Kaiteerman the city launchs independent investigatio the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset n.

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Harelipped, also weigh harelip or labial cleft palate, it is a kind of congenital blemish, affect appearance not only, st the most popular furniture light ill affect pronunciation, deglutition and suck grandma to wait. This disease is hereditary disease of a kind of polygene, but with environmental element also closely related.

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