Sunday, January 15, 2012

CTO of HP WebOS branch will turn duty: First step reduces business

Beijing time is early on March 30 a message, HP (small gain) had affirmed, cloth of case forest of · of Mu of Sa of chief technology officer pulls sect the best selling t mobile prepaid cards ion of business of this company WebOS special (Sam Greenblatt) will hold the position of this one position no longer.

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HP spokesman expresses in a mail: "Gelinbulate will hold the position of the free t mobile prepaid cards position with HP new interior, will be inside transition period continue to help a group. Open source WebOS project to undertaking, and the route chart that HP will continue to devote oneself to to announced this year in January. And the route chart that HP will continue to devote oneself to to ann the most popular brooch pins ounced this year in January.. norton internet antivirus

HP had reduced the first most popular selling canon ef 15mm step of WebOS business, announce to will open WebOS system source. In addition, tall canal of many WebOS business alread t mobile prepaid cards y left his post from HP, si Tan of Lu Bin of · of the Palm CEO before including fining jade (Jon Rubinstein) . And the vice-president manage that developer of responsible WebOS whole world concerns before this checks De Kelisi (Richard Kerris) already left his post join in Nuojiya (small gain) .

Current, the dimensions of HP WebOS branch is far before be less than 1 year. This year in Feburary, HP cuts down the member of persons employed in this branch 275 people. Last y most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards ear in September, HP still cut down the most popular t mobile prepaid cards the member of memory laptop toshiba persons employed to make an appointment with 500 people to this branch. (Qiu Yue)

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