Sunday, January 15, 2012

HP cuts down the member of persons employed recombine the strategy to sway: Market prise shrinks to the apple very one of

<p>   South n/arc drafting: Zhang Xujun </p>
South n/arc drafting: Zhang Xujun

  "Cash milk cow " fade, walk along IBM or malic mode to hit perpendicular conformity soft costal region

Fruit of opposite Yu Ping, IBM, Intel, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (small gain) the scene of these IT tycoons, HP (small gain) founder of myth of this Silicon Valley, the expression nowadays however more and more like an accomplishment difference is born. Especially since He De of the C EO before HP was unmade 2010, HP was immersed in unparalleled difficult position: Development strategy is pendulous, human affairs is adjusted ceaseless, share price all the way be is the most popular scooby costume sued to lower levels, market prise is less than 50 billion dollar, be an apple only very one of.

The money newspaper with newest HP shows, HP almost all business share are diminishing, income is ceaseless and dispirited, circumstances can care. Whitman of HP new C EO is being started a series of recombine, plan cutting down the member of persons employed, in order to promote efficiency and economic expenditure (this also is Hede allows to go up advocate the working) that catch, do his utmost to drive company stage a comeback. A series of act of Whitman, the transition that is HP to will be as long as henceforth several years buries next foreshadowing. But Whitman whether is the mission amounted to surely? Because lack clear development strategy, industry is not valued to this.

If one day, the market comes out the message that inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty buys HP, must not be startled. Had had the public figure inside course of study the possibility that in bold prophecy this buys along with all the others.

   Outstanding achievement glides recombine carry fast

The United States local time on March 21, HP announces as scheduled, the printer below will amalgamative banner and personal computer (business of P C) , join two the largest business departments 2 for one. HP makes a statement say, the new department after incorporating will be in charge of T OddBradley to present as leading role by P C business, year sale will reach 65.35 billion dollar, occupy HP year battalion closes 50% the left and right sides. Merge into printer business PC business, this is Whitman the 2nd ammunition that give is burned after assuming office (the first fire is to announce to withhold PC business) .

HP spreads out business to recombine right now, also be phasic place approach.

Before a month on Feburary 20, the money newspaper that HP publishs shows, get personal computer (P C) and printer sell tired weak drag, this company is 14.7 in net of season of on one money 100 million dollars, drop compared to the same period on close 44%(year the corresponding period is) of 2.6 billion dollar; Below HP banner 3 crucial branches -- , the battalion of PC, printer and business equipment closes to all drop. More those who let HP feel disturbed is, act the printer business of part of HP cash milk cow for a long time, also behave in this money season blank: Sale glides compared to the same period 7% , unit profit glides compared to the same period 32% . Inside course of study the personage looks, as a result of electronic documentation gain ground stage by stage, add a large number of application of mobile equipment, the trend that the demand for service that print drops avoids hard.

Burn the 2nd ammunition that give to oneself, whitman expresses self-confidently, "The HP after incorporating will be a reaction faster, efficiency is taller and the enterprise with oriented performance. It will be a center with consumer, prepare the industry trend that masters rapid change. Prepare the industry trend that masters rapid change..

Nevertheless, come from the notion that casts an analyst to appear relatively pessimistic. U MM Aynard of analyst of lucky silver-colored group thinks, the business of HP is adjusted facilitate decision-making with promotion productivity, hopeful brings synergism, but business grows and profit margin promotion needs more time to come true; Magendatong analyst M Ark M Oskow Itz is to point out more, reorganization the most popular selling memory card digital cameras transition process that is HP to will be as long as henceforth several years buries next foreshadowing this, but the result is at present sealed still. "Many C EO all has had similar move before HP, but did not obtain what beautiful accomplishment. " Qu Xiaodong of analyst of domestic senior IT expresses, HP is amalgamative now business of this two parts more it is the angle from cost sets out, so that reduce reduplicative function branch, in order to reduce cost. He thinks, "This kind closes not to have aggression sex, can saying only is one defends model change. This is bigger to in-house influence, but too won't big to whole industry generation impact. But too won't big to whole industry generation impact..

   A year like nightmare

To HP, this round nightmare, result from 2 0 1 0 year He De of the C E O before HP will be fired in August.

After He De takes over position of HP C EO, guide HP active transition, HP falls in He De's leader, had revealed go out to anabiosis strong imp most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards etus. However, annoy as a result of the gender case, heart of able person conspicuous is forced to resign. Division of Li Ai of the C E O before haste of HP board of directors appoints SA P holds the position of HP C EO.

A year of time that Li Ai division holds a post in HP, it is a nightmare undoubtedly to HP. This year of time, the multinomial act of HP lets the market be surprised.

On one hand, for to service transition, HP undertook cost holds high buy, buy A Utonom Y of British software company with 10 billion dollar, this action is almost extinct the only the most popular memory laptop toshiba cash reserve in a bank in HP hand; On the other hand, face the market impact that flat computer brings, HP plans to abandon PC business and flat computer business (the) of operating system of W EbO S that includes to abandon buying what obtain when P the best selling brooch pins Alm to have an outlook quite with 1.2 billion dollar 2010, create popular feeling queasy, cause a client wait-and-see. Associate, Dai Er (small gain) wait for a competitor to take the advantage of empty and enter, nibble share of HP share market. It is with flat computer exemple, for antagonism apple, HP rolled out a price to be the T OuchPad of dollar of 4 9 9, but before long hind, HP announces with 99 dollars light storehouse reduction sale T OuchPad, brought about big fight of scare buying of a T OuchPad.

A series of movements of Li Ai division, cause the intense dissatisfaction of HP board of directors. Below the dominant of HP board of directors, last year in September, HP announces Li Ai division resigns the president holds post of C E O concurrently, exit a board of directors, whitman of the C E O before appointing EB Ay at the same time holds a president concurrently for new C EO, appoint instantly become effective.

HP is bought to the high price of A Utonom Y, and announce to sell or come off before this P C business, what also cause investor to reach development foreground to the uncertainty of HP is anxious, HP share price goes low all the way, from 2011 the 48 dollars of the beginning of the year, drop to the 22 dollars when Li Ai division leaves his post to control all the way, drop more than 50% , market prise of 50 billion dollar is evaporated.

Public figure of many ministry of the country in HP tells a reporter, 2011 HP China area because headquarters is queasy,got really bigger impact, it is with PC business exemple, HP is in China of PC market have rate had slipped to be not worth 2011 6% , have 1/3 of period of at the height of power and splendour only.

north face shirts"HP is in in last few years outstanding achievement expression nots allow hopeful, profit of net the best selling scooby costume of season of the first money dropped compared to the same period this year 44% , battalion closed to drop compared to the same period 7% , to reverse this one condition, HP begins content of the business below reforming banner, be adjusted this currently or be for this one consideration, through incorporating two branches achieve the goal of better troops and simpler administration, save expenditure, make two business grow in coordination at the same time, stimulative sales volume, promotion outstanding achievement. " in send researcher of advisory IT industry king Ning Yuan thinks. King Ning Yuan expresses, the HP after incorporating will center energy to promote an enterprise to achieve control capacity, p C, printer and IT service business farther conformity promot the best selling canon ef 15mm es, at the same time or cost spare part is used at increasing segment of company product research and development, promotion product competition ability in order to attract customer.

Reform foreground is unidentified

Whitman of the C E O before HP appoints EB Ay replaces the job of Li Ai division, hope Whitman can guide HP to walk out of trough. But, face an awful mess that Li Ai division leaves, whitman's job appears very formidable.

The transition of IT tycoon, have two way, it is the consumptive electron pattern that takes an apple (individual market) , it is the software service pattern that takes IBM (business market) . However, boat catastrophe turns around, the transition easier said than done of large IT company? Wei Ci of Moscow of analyst mark · expresses Magendatong, although large IT company turns round declining tendency,be not impossible, but that is a slow and painful process. "Heretofore delicacy has large IT company high-key announce to turn round management declining tendency, and be in short-term inside the precedent that achieves a goal. Be known with respect to us, only two companies had turned round declining tendency successfully, that is company of international business machine (IBM) and malic company (A Pple) . But the time that they spent 5 years many, just see dawn. The reform of HP just just undertook two years, the road of undoubted future remains the same won't even. The road of undoubted future remains the same won't even..

To HP character, it is to take malic pattern no matter, still take IBM pattern (this kind of possibility is larger) , need HP to have complete perpendicular and integrated capacity, and this also is the seat of soft costal region that HP faces a competitor. If study malic pattern, HP need is offerred for the client arrive from hardware of application all everything, include service of shop of hardware equipment, operating system, application, content to wait a moment, apparent, HP needs a large number of making up a missed lesson that just can have the capacity of this respect. In this respect, apple, Microsoft, Gu Ge (Gu Ge buys Motolora to move, the perpendicular and integrated ability that wants him aggrandizement namely) wait for a company already position is old, current HP does not have actual strength, also develop openly competition without technical basis and them.

HP emphasizes a few this years all the time to service transition, IB M mode becomes the general orientation that the apple develops. But, on this road, IB M, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (O Racle) and Microsoft also already be ready in take action. Although HP repaired an enterprise to search the difference of the respect through buying company of A Utonom Y, but in the database, among, the respect such as software of process of synergic software, business application, analysis, HP and competitor photograph are very older than difference.

Nevertheless, him Whitman appears to the reform of HP confident. She follows Steve Qiaobusi same, yearly salary has 1 dollar only. Whitman should make him hand medium grasp some a large number of period authority can cash, must promote the outstanding achievement of HP considerably. The high level of area of many HP China also tells south reporter, of HP perplexed period meeting goes, value Whitman to guide the reform that HP undertakes, expect Whitman can visit China as soon as possible.


Business section run received HP 2012 circumstance

Group of ● information product

Income falls compared to the same period 15% , business gross profit is led 5.2% . HP business carries income to drop with the client 7% , consumptive client carries income to drop 25% , workstation income keeps balance. Total sales volume drops 18% , among them table machine sales volume drops 19% , notebook computer sales volume drops 18% .

● HP serves

Income 8.6 billion dollar, grow 1% compared to the same period, business gross profit leads 10.5% . Technical service revenue grows 2% , application and business service revenue keep balance, income of the bag outside IT grows 2% compared to the same period.

● is become resemble reaching group of the system that print

Income falls compared to the same period 7% , business gross profit is led 12.2% . Business drops compared to the same period with hardware income 5% , among them business drops with printer sales volume 10% . Consumptive hardware income falls compared to the same period 15% , among them printer sales volume drops 15% .

● enterprise server, memory and network

Income falls compared to the same period 10% , business gross profit leads 11.2% . Network income keeps balance, income of industrial standard server falls 11% , income of pivotal business server falls 27% , HP memory income falls compared to the same period 6% .

● HP software

Income grows 30% compared to the same period, business gross profit leads 17.1% , include outstanding achievement of A Utonom Y. Software license, support and service revenue grow 12% respectively, 22% with 108% , promote growth of whole of HP software income.

● HP finance serves

Income grows 15% compared to the same period, combine asset to grow 8% completely among them, financing volume keeps balance. This business achieves the business wool interest rate of 9.6% .


Allow CEO will come from HP interior below HP

Go 10 years, the C E O of HP is from exterior choose airborne HP, and the IT tycoon such as IBM, Microsoft, apple criterion more apt fosters C E O from company interior. Because airborne C E O is not very ripe to company business, short-term inside enter a part very hard, often can be on bad terms with the board of directors, this got be reflectinged adequately on HP body, caused the outside to lack the criticism that succession plans to HP.

After will taking memory card digital cameras up the post of HP to carry out president last year in September, lai favour announces, the board of directors hopes to solve this one problem. Last week 3 (on March 21) , on HP shareholder plenary meeting, laienming expresses truly: "We hope HP new C E O comes from company interior. " he still complements, the board of directors values succession plan very much.

South Luo Chuchu of reporter Gao Lingyun's trainee

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